Friday, February 26, 2010

Sport Day Photos

I know Im weeks late but I just didnt had the mood to do it haiz.. anyway here is the photos

Anyway, hard to admit it but we got 3rd place, next time then

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bazaar Day!

Today was so-so for me, abit boring though, the games eat up all my money!!

Cikgu Teh ask some of us to go gotong royong class... good la those that hide off
i had to bodyguard door dun let ppl in class, while the others go clean...
Teacher praise Chin Pei Ni pro mop floor

RM4 per try at basket ball... SOT???
i know bazaar stuff is 2x expensive, but 4x??? WTF, and only 75 seconds..... atleast RM2 la, others shop also only 50cens-RM1...,

some of the games names i cant remember so i juz made some up

Games Include:
Basketball Rm4 (75secs)
Throw hoops on red color wine RM2 (3 throws)
Catch GoldFish RM2 (dunno dint try)
Ringing bottles RM2 (make the bottle stand with a tool they give u, 30secs)
Throw the ball to the pyramid of cups RM2 (dint try)
Throw the ball into the basket n container on the ladder RM2 (3 tries)
Slide the bottle RM2 (3 tries)
Darts RM2 (4 tries i think)
Back home ball RM2 (1try) win get 4coupon n chop

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb 3...

Music teacher as crazy as usual but not as bad as the last few weeks.. maybe got gf =x

Computer teacher say my (Jonathan) work FAIL T_T so sad all J1 Classes 10% Success only..

Tomorrow is BAZZAR who excited???? got ipod win if your lucky =P RM1 per try,

Good luck to those participating in events tomorrow

ULA ULA we the best.......... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO red house :D

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We need a RED to support our house color, the templates provided arent very nice, whoever has a nice RED template (background) pls send it to me thx ^_^


Just some pictures

Credits to Phyllia

J1 Ai

J1 Ai!!!Gambateh nerx...

Must win in the sport day!!!

T-shirt logo: want kill me?
if u can~

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Removed chat box to >>>