Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bazaar Day!

Today was so-so for me, abit boring though, the games eat up all my money!!

Cikgu Teh ask some of us to go gotong royong class... good la those that hide off
i had to bodyguard door dun let ppl in class, while the others go clean...
Teacher praise Chin Pei Ni pro mop floor

RM4 per try at basket ball... SOT???
i know bazaar stuff is 2x expensive, but 4x??? WTF, and only 75 seconds..... atleast RM2 la, others shop also only 50cens-RM1...,

some of the games names i cant remember so i juz made some up

Games Include:
Basketball Rm4 (75secs)
Throw hoops on red color wine RM2 (3 throws)
Catch GoldFish RM2 (dunno dint try)
Ringing bottles RM2 (make the bottle stand with a tool they give u, 30secs)
Throw the ball to the pyramid of cups RM2 (dint try)
Throw the ball into the basket n container on the ladder RM2 (3 tries)
Slide the bottle RM2 (3 tries)
Darts RM2 (4 tries i think)
Back home ball RM2 (1try) win get 4coupon n chop

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